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Popped Hammer Pulls
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This next technique is most effective when played "up the neck", that is, at higher pitch.
A staple of slap bass and bassists in general, the popped hammer-pulls can be a great tool to add to your kit!
The technique itself involved no thumb work at all during its phrasing. It is also a boundless technique, meaning that it can be played anywhere on the instrument, with any combination of notes. In my example, I will play a run of six notes with a root of E, however you can expand this to make runs of more than six notes, repeating runs, etc. The list is endless!
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Check out the video above. For this example, I play popped G-String 11th Fret, popped G-String 12th fret pull-off to 11th Fret pull-off to 9th Fret, hammer on to the D-String 11th Fret, then popped G-String 9th Fret, which completes the root E phrasing.
You can then repeat it over as many times as you think makes musical sense for the piece you incorporate it into. This technique is great for "end-of-bar" accenting within a song, or for repetition during a solo rendition. It really gives a groove a lot of punch and adds colour to any piece!
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